Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Long Lasting Impression

One of the biggest trends this spring is the MAXI dress...

Here you can see some of the biggest names in Hollywood bringing this 70's inspired maxi look to life.

Mackenzie Noffsinger is a sophomore at WKU and is rocking this style while making it uniquely her own. Here she pairs it with two more hot trends this spring, STRIPES and a DENIM shirt. It is a very casual but chic look that is quickly becoming a classic and works perfectly for transitioning from winter into spring. Plus, this trendy look can go from class, to work, to getting coffee with a friend. You could even dress it up by adding a structured jacket and some jewelry. Every Western girl should plan on adding a cute maxi dress to her wardrobe this spring!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Be Bright

This week I found Mallory Trihn, a fellow Design, Merchandising, & Textiles student at WKU wearing one the latest trends! She is a great example of how students are wearing the current BRIGHT trend. She does the colorful straight leg khaki by GAP paired with a neutral top and bright pop of color with a scarf. Mallory is also wearing the neutral in a stripe, also very on trend right now. The bright bottom paired with a neutral is a popular look I have been seeing everywhere on campus and in the many stores around town. I also saw a similar pair of this bright pant on Kate Middleton which shows that this trend is definitely on target and global. I am personally loving this look and it's great for this amazing spring weather! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Introductions and thoughts

So...this is my first time blogging and I was slightly apprehensive about the thought of it at first. But the more I do with it, the more I think I will enjoy blogging. So here goes...

My intent with Wear It Forward is to keep you updated on current trends and how college students on Western's campus are wearing them and making them their own. I feel that with such a large, diverse group of people, not every single one of them will have the same outlook or take on the "right" way to wear the current trends. Everyone can put their own spin on the newest movements in fashion because we all have our own personally unique style. I am very excited about this idea and I hope you are too! Perhaps you and I both can be inspired to remix our wardrobes and think outside the box with our fashion choices!